Inglês, perguntado por ghabrielbonfim9, 1 ano atrás


1. Eles têm um carro novo.

( )They have a new car.
( )They have new car.
( )They have an new car.

2. Ela encomendou café no restaurante?

( )Did she order coffee at restaurant?
( )Did she order coffee at the restaurant?

3. Eu comprei leite no supermercado.

( )I bought milk at the supermarket.
( )I bought milk at a supermarket.
( )I bought milk at an supermarket.

4. Você ainda usa o telefone que você comprou?

( )Do you still use the phone that you bought?
( )Do you still use an phone that you bought?
( )Do you still use a phone that you bought?

5. Oh, não! Minha xícara acabou de cair no chão!

( )Oh, no! My cup just fell on a floor!
( )Oh, no! My cup just fell on floor!
( )Oh, no! My cup just fell on the floor!

6. Aquela foi uma questão fácil.

( )That was a easy question.
( )That was the easy question.
( )That was an easy question.

7. Eu preciso de tempo para terminar minha tarefa.

( )I need time to finish my homework.
( )I need time to finish the homework.
( )I need time to finish an homework.

8. Há açúcar no meu café?

( )Is there sugar in an coffee?
( )Is there sugar in a coffee?
( )Is there sugar in my coffee?

9. Eu irei encontrá-lo em uma hora.

( )I will meet him in an hour.
( )I will meet him in hour.
( )I will meet him in a hour.

10. Ela sempre leva um guarda-chuva com ela.

( )She always carries the umbrella with her.
( )She always carries an umbrella with her.
( )She always carries a umbrella with her.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jelsia
1. They have a new car
2. Did she order coffee at the restaurant?
3. I bought milk at the supermarket
4. Do you still use the phone you bought?
5. Oh no! My cup just fell on the floor
6. That was an easy question
7. I need time to finish my homework
8. Is there sugar in my coffee?
9. I will meet him in an hour
10. She always carries an umbrella with her
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