galera boa em inglês me ajuda aí pfv

Soluções para a tarefa
You were talking in your sleep!
He was eating with his fingers!
They were shouting "Hooray"!
I was wondering if I could borrow this.
What were you doing yesterday?
Was it raining last night?
We were having a great time.
Susan and Joanne were talking all night.
Who was singing in the bathroom?
Why was she crying?
Sorry, I wasn't listening.
They weren't enjoying themselves much.
I wasn't snoring. I was just breathing loud.
Why wasn't he reading during Silent Reading?
We checked and the pipes weren't leaking.
Mark and I weren't running in the hall!
Please. I weren't staring at you.
She wasn't wearing your hat. It was mine.
Of course I weren't checking my Facebook account.
My brother was driving me mad.
She was tapping her foot incessantly.
Why were you running?
They weren't wearing uniforms.
Why was the teacher shouting?
The girls were doing sit-ups.
They were swimming in a river.
We were all sneezing and coughing.
He wasn't looking at you.
Jan was texting while driving.
We were thinking about recycling.
They weren't singing at the concert.
I didn't pay attention.
Why not watching the movie?
Who clapped at the end?
espero ter ajudado! ^-^