Inglês, perguntado por brendacarla866, 7 meses atrás


Coloque frases de forma negativa e interrogativa
a. My father is going to buy a car.

b. Our classmates are going to enjoy their afternoon watching movies

c. I’m so sad! My best friend May is going to move to another city

d. My neighbours are going to build a new garage

e. My friends and I are going to learn Italian.

dantetrajano: de nada.
dantetrajano: Você está me provocando? que pergunta eu te respondi?
brendacarla866: :)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por dantetrajano


A) My father isn't going to buy a car

is my father going to buy a car?

b) Our classmates aren't going to enjoy their afternoon watching movies

Are our classmates going to enjoy their afternoon watching movies?

C) I'm so sad! My best friend May isn't going to move to another city

Is my best friend May going to move to another city?

D) My neighbors aren't going to build a new garage

Are my neighbors going to build a new garage?

E) My friends and I aren't going to learn Italian

Are my friends and I going to learn Italian?


Forma negativa de are= aren't

negativa de is= isn't

quando é pergunta, o auxiliar vem antes.

brendacarla866: vlw
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