Inglês, perguntado por zK1ller77, 5 meses atrás

Frases no afirmativo com simple present (do, does)
Simple past (ed, did)
Future (will)
Future with going to (to be going to)
Com as seguintes palavras
Work, World, Time, Way, Water

(Todas as palavras com as gramáticas)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ransomwarecoder123

Work: do you like to work?

did you already go to work?

Will you work tomorrow?

Im going to be working until 9 pm

World: do you want to travel the world?

did your neighbor travel the world?

i will be the best Brainly user of the world

im going to being the first man to live more than 200 years in the world

Time: do you have time to play now?

did you miss many time playing game?

i Will have many time

you are going to having a lot of time this se eu

Way: is it the way?

did you remember the way?

i Will take this way

im going to visiting my grandpa through this way

Water: do you like to drink Water?

did already drink all your Water bottle?

i Will drink a lot of Water when i arrive home

im going to drinking a class of Water

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