Inglês, perguntado por Elisabetete1966, 11 meses atrás

frases em inglês com verbo to bem,interrogativa e negative forms​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por miriamattos48



Am I tired today? - Eu estou cansada hoje ?

Is she sad?- Ela está triste?

Are they cool with us? - Eles são legais conosco?

Is my mom a good teacher? -Minha mãe é uma professora boa?

What are you doing? - O que você esta fazendo?


I am not sick.

She's not bad.

Melissa isn't eating meat.

They're not playing soccer.

Jorge isn't smoking.

We're not sleepy.

He's not happy.

It's not an animal.

Respondido por Cofee1


Afirmativa: I am a great student

Negativa: I am not a great student ou I'm not a great student

Interrogativa: Am I a great student?

Outro exemplo:

Afirmativa: You are a good person

Negativa: You are not a good person ou you aren't a good person

Afirmativa: Are you a good person?



Am - I (I am...)

Is - He/she/it (He is/she is/it is)

Are - you/we/they (you are/we are/they are)


i'm not/ am not - I (I'm not.../ i am not...)

Isn't/ is not - he/she/it (he is not/she isn't...)

aren't/ are not - you/we/they (they aren't/ we are not...)


Am - I (Am I)

Is - He/she/it (Is he/Is she/ Is it)

Are - you/we/they (Are you/ are we/ are they)

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