Inglês, perguntado por raissalage, 1 ano atrás

1- John also _________ english every day (to study)
2- I ________ to the movies (to go)
3- George and Henry ______ tennis every afternon (to play)

Das três fases acima, fazer a forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa de cada uma nos seguintes tempos:

-Present continuos
-Past Contínuos
-Simple Future (will)
-Immediate Future (going to)


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rafinhacristine
present continuos:
1: studying
2: going

Past contínuos:
1:was studyng
2: was going
3: was playing

Simple future:
1:will study
2:will go
3: will play

Imediate future
1: is going to study
2: am going 
3: are going to play

raissalage: faz no simple present tambem? por favor?
rafinhacristine: é apenas: study
rafinhacristine: go e play
rafinhacristine: Exemplos:

You speak English.> afirmativa
Do you speak English? >interrogativa
You do not speak English.> negativa
Respondido por danielgeriante
Isso não é apenas completar os espaços e já está. Principalmente nos tempos progressivos e no futuro, no que respeita à primeira frase. 
Aqui vai:

John is also studying english every day.
I am going to the movies.
George and Harry are playing tennis every afternoon.

John was also studying english every day.
I was going to the movies.
George and Harry were playing tennis every afternoon.

John will also study english every day.
I will go to the movies
George and Harry will play tennis every afternoon

John is also going to study english every day.
I am going to the movies.
George and Harry are going to play tennis every afternoon.

raissalage: faz no simple present tambem? por favor?
danielgeriante: Aí sim é só completar : studies; go; play
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