Inglês, perguntado por BrendaReis2701, 8 meses atrás

fornecer o tempo verbal correto:
7. They___(play) tennis white. I__(work).
8. She__(learn) French when she__(go) to France last year.
9. He didn't__(come) by bus yesterday. He__(come) on foot.
10. They__(pay) the bill tomorrow.
11. She__(watch) TV every nigth.
12. __ (go) quickly! You friends__(wait) for you now.
13. I always__(buy) newspapers here.
14. we__(live) in Brazil but. We__(live) in Spain next year.
15. They__(work) in the garden now.
16. They train__(leave) at 4 O'clock every day.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por apenasshreck123
7. Played/ worked
8. Learned/ went
9. Came/ came
10. Pay
11. Watch
12. Go/ waiting
13. Buy
14. Live/ live
15. Working
16. Leave
Espero ter ajudado! Boa sorte
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