Inglês, perguntado por xxyoff, 10 meses atrás

Forme frases em que apareça o grau comparativo de inferioridade.

Ex: This book is less interesting tham that one
(este livro é menos interessante do que daquele)

A) This lessom - Difficult - That one

B) Carol - Diligent - Mary

C) You - Careful - Bob

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por fukanzen
This lesson is more difficult than that one

Carol is more diligent than mary

You are more careful than Bob

fukanzen: Ops. trocar o more por less.
xxyoff: ok, obrigada!
Respondido por Kleilainy4


A) This lesson is less difficult than that one

B) Carol is less diligent than Mary

C)You is less careful than Bob

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