Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 1 ano atrás

Forme frases com as seguintes palavras: 1-drawer 2-eraser 3-glue 4-ruler 5-pencil case 6-stapler 7-marker 8-highlighter 9-correction fluid 10-paper clip
11-mechanical pencil 12-pencil sharpener 13-bill 14-receipt 15-cafe

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por marianagonalves
1- I found my notebook inside the drawer
My eraser fell on floor
the glue used in the test
4- I used a ruler to measure the frame
5-there are several pens in my pencil case
6- i held
 the sheet with the stapler
7- I used the marker to find the page
8- she used the highlighter
9- I poured the corretction fluid 
10- I used the paper clip several times
11- My friend broke the mechanical pencil
12- I threw the pencil sharpener dirt in the trash
13- I love doing multiplication bill
14- I marked to meet my friend at the receipt
15- maria john and had coffee at starbucks

marianagonalves: Desculpe a demora! Espero ter ajudado. Beijos!
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