Inglês, perguntado por liviaps2004, 11 meses atrás

for each of the following situations write sentences using would to complete the dialogues , as in the example . use your imagination
example : AT HOME
" what dom you think David would like for his birthday?"
" I think he'd like a new bike"
"would you like to watch a movie or this sitcom?'
" I'd prefer to watch a movie "
1. "can I get you and your friend something to drink?"
"I'd prefer a salad . I never have soup during the summertime."
3 "would you guys like some dessert?"
1." would you like to try any of those clothes on?"
2. "......................................................................................................"
"sure , I'd love to see these in some other colors . what colors do you have?
1. " would you like to buy something in the gift shop while we're waiting ?"
2. ........................................................................................................................"
"we have the city newspaper, and we have USA Today₢.which do you prefer?
3. "would you like to have chicken or fish for your meal?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo
1. We would like a orange juice.
2.Would you like to have a soup?
3.I would like a cake.

1.Yeah. I would like to try that one.
2.Would you like to see some other color of this shirt?

1.Yes. I would like to buy an iPhone case.
2.Would you have some type of newspaper here?
3. I would like to eat chicken for my meal.
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