Following the clue in parenthesis, complete the following sentences:
The lights are green, but no one is moving. He is so im _________
Ho __________is the best policy. (noun)
I think you should drive more ca _________. You're frightening me (adverb)
She is a very fa __________ movie star. (adjective)
Gabriel is always late for school. He's so ir ____________ (adjective with a negative meaning)
Soluções para a tarefa
The lights are green, but no one is moving. He is so impacient / impassive
Honesty is the best policy. (noun)
I think you should drive more carefully. You're frightening me (adverb)
She is a very famous movie star. (adjective)
Gabriel is always late for school. He's so irresponsible (adjective with a negative meaning)
The first one I'm not sure which adverb I'd choose, because by me, it's possible to get two meanings out of the sentence:
He can be "impatient" because he wants to go ahead and nobady is moving; or he might agree with everybody and stay calm for a while, in this case the adjective would be 'impassive". So, you decide.
Seguem abaixo cada uma das sentenças em inglês completas com adjetivos, advérbios e substantivos:
- The lights are green, but no one is moving. He is so impatient.
- Honesty is the best policy.
- I think you should drive more carefully. You're frightening me.
- She is a very famous movie star.
- Gabriel is always late for school. He's so irresponsible.
Na primeira sentença do exercício, temos o uso da palavra impatient, que significa basicamente em português a palavra impaciente, e quando falamos de alguém impaciente é alguém que não gosta de esperar para as coisas ocorrerem.
Já na segunda sentença temos o uso da palavra honesty, essa que em português significa honestidade, sendo basicamente a forma de agir de algumas pessoas de acordo com os padrões estabelecidos pela sociedade como padrões corretos. Na terceira e quarta sentença usamos as palavras carefully e famous, que significam basicamente cuidadosamente e famoso. Por fim, temos a palavra irresponsible, ou seja, a palavra irresponsável.
Leia mais sobre advérbios em inglês aqui: