Inglês, perguntado por pedrohenvb, 10 meses atrás

Follow the model
I study math on mondays
I'm studying math now


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Caty17

A) He is playing soccer now.

B) You are making a dessert now.

C) I am walking home now.

D) My sister is buying a new dress now.

E) They are working at a company now.

F) I am selling old books now.

G) I am cleaning my bathroom and my bedroom now.

H) I am coming to school by bus now.

O que você simplesmente deve fazer é colocar o verb to be (is, am e are) depois do pronome (I, you, he, she, it e they) e juntar o ING (por exemplo: walking) com o verbo (no caso, walk) e isso transformará o verbo em ação do presente!

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