Focus on pictures A and B, and answer the questions.Which of the following features would you say the posters have? Write A or B.
( ) It’s presented in portrait layout.
( ) It’s printed on a sizable piece of paper.
( ) It’s concise and well organized.
( ) It’s simple with a clear “take-home message”.
( ) It’s atrractive and aesthetically pleasing.
( ) It’s easy to read from a distance of at least 1-2 meters.
( ) It’s focused on a single topic.
Which reasons for physical education presented in poster B do you think are more important? Exemplify with your own experiences.
With the help of a dictionary, explain how the phrase in poster A is related to well-being.

Soluções para a tarefa
(✓) It’s presented in portrait layout.
( ) It’s printed on a sizable piece of paper.
(✓) It’s concise and well organized.
( ) It’s simple with a clear “take-home message”.
(✓) It’s atrractive and aesthetically pleasing.
(✓) It’s easy to read from a distance of at least 1-2 meters.
( ) It’s focused on a single topic.
"Helps reduce stress and anxiety". Practicing activities like going for a walk, usually gives me space to think and solve conflicts with myself.
"Shake it off" is an expression that means to get rid of things that affect you in a bad way.
Na 1 eu estou apenas inseguro com o terceiro e quarto espacinho.
No terceiro está escrito que os pôsteres são "breves e bem organizados" (não sei se são bem organizados, caso você ache que não é, desmarque).
No quarto está escrito que os pôsteres possuem "simples e claras informações" (no segundo pôster do "Shake it off", está escrito uma expressão, que pode haver mais de uma interpretação. Caso você considere uma expressão algo simples e fácil de entender por todos, marque).
espero ter ajudado :))