Five sentences have been removed from The text below. Read it and find out which letters (A-H) best complete each gap. The underlined segmentes Will help you find the sentences.

Soluções para a tarefa
1. h
2. b
3. f
4. d
5. c
1. get used to
2. used to
3. am used to
4. used to / get used to
5. am still not very used to
6. get used to / used to
7. used to / am not used to
8. am used to / gotten used to
9. used to / was used to / have already gotten used to
1. about
2. back / about
3. of / on
4. to / at / with / off
5. for / off / down / on / on
A seguir a resolução das questões presentes na atividade "Five sentences have been removed from the text below..."
First page (primeira página)
1. H "We are each other's best friends besides being father and son".
2. B "At some point i'm goint to move out, first to go to college, and then who knows?".
3. F "She is fun, pretty and only a couple years younger than Dad".
4. D "My dad will get worried as well and will certainly be touched by her concern with my well-being".
5. C "I think I'm going to pretend some girl dumped me and now I'm miserable".
Second page (segunda página)
1. I don't think i can get used to dating apps. They are so unpersonal.
2. When your mom and i were dating, we used to drive down to your grandpa's beach house and spend the weekends there.
3. I don't have any profile on any social network. I used to being so open.
4. Most people who used to go to bars and clubs to socialize find it difficult get used to texting as a way to get to know someone.
5. I am still not very used to this new phone. That's why my pictures from last night are a bit blurry.
6. It's hard to see my sister dating my best friend. I don't think I can get used to it. I mean, he and i used to go out together to hit on girls and talk about them. This is just too weird.
7. I used to be very close with the guys at the office, but since I started dating Mark everyone is treating me differently. I'm furious at them because I am not used to being left out.
8. I got divorced a couple years ago, and it was hard to get my life back on track. Nowadays I'm used to dating and going out with friends, but at first I struggled a lot. I had gotten used to being single again.
9. I was terrible at dating. I used to get so nervous before a date that I often just didn't show up. When I did show up, it was a disaster. I was used to never being asked on a second date. With Michael, though, everything was different. We were friends and I have already gotten used to being around him.
Third page (terceira página)
1. I've always been curious about speed dating. If the guys sucks, all I have to do is wait five minutes and he'll get up from the table.
2. Now I'm able to look back and laugh about the situation, but it was probably the worst first date in history.
3. I know you're not very fond of going out, but I suggest you keep on trying. You need to make some new friends.
4. Mitch was very kind to me on our date last night. He laughed at my bad jokes and was very polite all the time, but I couldn't conned with him. I don't know. Something about him was a bit off.
5. When your father and I were kids, we used to wait for your grandparents to turn off the lights and go to bed, and then we would quietly go down the stairs, turn on the TV and the videogame and play until two or three in the morning. One night we fell asleep and left the TV and the videogame turned on. Your grandmother grounded us for a week.
Exercícios de complete a frase (complete the sentence)
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