fishing in the rain tradução me ajudir a traduzir este texto por favor
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fishing in the rain = Pescando na chuva
Ass: Roseane Park -•✡
. . . . . •⛤Hope This Helps⛤• . . . . .
Era uma noite fria e escura de fevereiro na cidade. Estava chovendo forte e as estradas estavam cobertas de água.
George estava saindo do escritório depois do trabalho quando notou um pobre velho. O homem estava parado ao lado de uma poça na estrada. Ele usava botas de pesca de borracha compridas e segurava uma vara com um pedaço de barbante. O barbante estava pendurado na poça. George perguntou ao velho o que ele estava fazendo e o homem respondeu que estava pescando. _ Pobre rapaz! _, Pensou George. O velho estava obviamente enlouquecendo. George sentiu pena do velho, e ele estava ficando muito molhado, ficando do lado de fora na chuva, então decidiu convidar o velho para tomar um drinque com ele em um bar próximo.
George pediu uma bebida para si mesmo e comprou uma para o velho. O velho sorria feliz enquanto bebia. Enquanto eles terminavam as bebidas, George tentou iniciar uma conversa. Ele se virou para o velho e perguntou:
_Então a pesca está boa hoje? _
_ Nada mal hoje, obrigado _ respondeu o velho.
_ E quantos você pegou? _
_ Você é o oitavo _ respondeu o velho
It was a cold dark evening in February in the city. It was raining heavily and the roads were covered in water.
George was leaving his office after work when he noticed a poor old man. The man was standing next to a puddle in the road. He was wearing long rubber fishing boots and he was holding a stick with a piece of string. The string was hanging in the puddle. George asked the old man what he was doing and the man replied that he was fishing. ‘Poor guy!’, George thought. The old man was obviously going crazy. George felt sorry for the old man, and he was getting very wet, standing outside in the rain, so he decided to invite the old man to have a drink with him in a nearby bar.
George ordered a drink for himself and bought one for the old man. The old man was smiling happily as he was drinking. While they were finishing their drinks, George tried to start a conversation. He turned to the old man and asked,
‘So is the fishing good today?’
‘Not bad today, thanks.’ replied the old man.
‘And how many have you caught?’
‘You're the eighth,’ the old man answered
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espero ter ajudado