Inglês, perguntado por fabriciobalves17, 8 meses atrás

Fill the blank spaces with the correct form (simple past) of the verbs.

1 - She (forget)               the password and they (not can)  open the safe.

2 - Why (not be)                you at home last night?

3 -  We (see)               the cat when we (arrive)              at home.

4 - (you/close)               the window when you (leave)                the classroom?

5 - Ray (fail)                the exam, so he (not be)             very happy.

6 - She (feel)               sick during the class, and the teacher (let)          her go home.

7 - When (to be)                    you in Barra do Sul?

8 - He (not/to do)                          magic tricks at the party.

9 - I  (not/to like)                       math at school.

10 - She (to use)                     the correct word in the exercise. 

Complete the story with the simple past of the verbs:

On Friday, the children      (talk) about a day out together in the country. The next morning, they       (go) to the country with their two dogs and        (play) together. Ben and Dave        (have) some kites. Sometime later the dogs       (be) not there. So they        (call) them and         (look) for them in the forest. After half an hour the children        (find) them and     (take) them back. Charlie       (be) very happy to see them again. At lunch time Nick       (go) to the bikes and         (bring) the basket with some meat sandwiches. Then they          (play) football. Nick and Dave          (win). In the evening they           (ride) home.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por severinapires


1 - She (forget) forgot  the password and they (not can) couldn't  open the safe.

2 - Why (not be)  weren't  you at home last night?

3 -  We (see)  saw  the cat when we (arrive) arrived  at home.

4 - (you/close) You closed the window when you (leave) left the classroom?

Ray (fail) failed the exam, so he (not be) wasn't  very happy.

6 - She (feel) felt  sick during the class, and the teacher (let) let her go home.

7 - When (to be)  weren't  you in Barra do Sul?

8 - He (not/to do)  didn't   magic tricks at the party.

9 - I  (not/to like)  didn't like   math at school.

10 - She (to use) used the correct word in the exercise.

On Friday, the children talked  (talk) about a day out together in the country. The next morning, they went (go) to the country with their two dogs and played (play) together. Ben and Dave  had (have) some kites. Sometime later the dogs were  (be) not there. So they  called (call) them and looked (look) for them in the forest. After half an hour the children found  (find) them and took  (take) them back. Charlie was  (be) very happy to see them again. At lunch time Nick went  (go) to the bikes and brought        (bring) the basket with some meat sandwiches. Then they played  (play) football. Nick and Dave won  (win). In the evening they  rode  (ride) home.


No simple past  verbos regulares se acrescentam -ed  ou -d e os verbos irregulares  não seguem um padrão de formação.

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