Inglês, perguntado por juliaschlickmann2007, 3 meses atrás

FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE CORRECT FORMS OF THE VERBS IN BRACKETS 1. I wish I (be) the manager of this company. 2. Peter wishes he (not buy) that breaks down so often and causes him trouble. 3. Asley's mother wishes she (do) well in the final exams next week. 4. Larry wishes he (be) on a spa holiday relaxing rather than working in the office now, 5. Mary feels homesick.She wishes she (be) in her home with her parents now. 6. I wish you (bring) me a glass of water. I am very thirsty. 7. Karen wishes her father (not go) to Russia on business.She misses him. 8. It was a very h sunny.I wish 1 (take) my sunglasses ar dion with me. 9. You look overweigh...I wish you (attend) a i gym this summer. ! 10. My father wishes he (not forget) to take ! the camera with him. The view was wonderful. 11. Joseph wishes he (not cheat) in the ! exam. The teacher was very angry with him. 12. I wish I (not speak) so loudly.My baby i brother woke up. 13. Michael wishes his father (give) him £100 for the school trip next month. 14. Mr.Parker wishes there (not be) mosquitoes around. They bite him badly. 15. I wish people (not cut) the trees any more. 16. My mother wishes I (take) her to the hospital for her operation this weekend. 17. Timothy wishes she (not eat) too many strawberries. She has got a terrible stomachache. i 18. Pam wishes she (have) an mp3 player. ; She could listen to music now. 19. I wish I (know) more about cooking. I have to prepare something special for my guests. 20. We wish we (win) the match next Sunday. We will be this year's champion then. 21. The students wish they (study) more. They all got bad marks from the maths exam. ​

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Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gustavoif

Completando com a forma correta do verbo entre parênteses, temos:

1. I wish I was the manager of this company.

2. Peter wishes he did not buy that car. It breaks down so often and causes him trouble.  

3. Asley's mother wishes she did well in the final exams next week.  

4. Larry wishes he was on a spa holiday relaxing rather than working in the office now.  

5. Mary feels homesick. She wishes she was in her home with her parents now.  

6. I wish you brought me a glass of water. I am very thirsty.  

7. Karen wishes her father did not went to Russia on business. She misses him.  

8. It was a very hot sunny day. I wish I took my sunglasses with me.  

9. You look overweight... I wish you attended a gym this summer.  

10. My father wishes he did not forget to take the camera with him. The view was wonderful.

(O exercício é muito extenso e repetitivo, vou realizar somente as dez primeiras e utilizando o mesmo raciocínio você poderá realizar as seguintes.)

É necessário colocar o verbo entre parênteses na sua forma do particípio passado, então:

1. I wish I was the manager of this company.



1. Eu gostaria de ser o gerente desta empresa.

2. Peter wishes he did not buy that car. It breaks down so often and causes him trouble.


2. Peter gostaria de não ter comprado aquele carro. Ele quebra com frequência e causa problemas a ele.

3. Asley's mother wishes she did well in the final exams next week.


3. A mãe de Asley gostaria que ela tivesse se saído bem nos exames finais na próxima semana.

4. Larry wishes he was on a spa holiday relaxing rather than working in the office now,


4. Larry gostaria de estar em um spa relaxante, em vez de estar no escritório agora.

5. Mary feels homesick. She wishes she was in her home with her parents now.


5. Maria sente saudades de casa. Ela gostaria de estar em casa com seus pais agora.

6. I wish you brought me a glass of water. I am very thirsty.


6. Gostaria que você me trouxesse um copo d'água. Eu estou com muita sede.

7. Karen wishes her father did not went to Russia on business. She misses him.


7. Karen deseja que seu pai não tivesse ido à Rússia a negócios. Ela tem saudades dele.

8. It was a very hot sunny day. I wish I took my sunglasses with me.


8. Foi um dia de sol muito quente. Eu gostaria de ter levado meus óculos de sol comigo.

9. You look overweight... I wish you attended a gym this summer.


9. Você parece acima do peso... Gostaria que você frequentasse uma academia neste verão.

10. My father wishes he did not forget to take the camera with him. The view was wonderful.


10. Meu pai gostaria de não ter esquecido de levar a câmera com ele. A vista era maravilhosa.

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