Inglês, perguntado por claudiakardelande, 7 meses atrás

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of Past Simple Tense.
1.1 (not/go) to Chiang Mai last weekend.
2. My father (wash) his car yesterday.
3. (you/go) to China last year?
4. They (study) Chinese yesterday.
5. She (not/sleep) well last night.
6. (he/help) his mother last night?
7. We (drink) milk last night.
8. (he/swim) in the pool yesterday?
9. You (not/have) a new car.
10. The thief (run) away from the policeman.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por manoelaggonzales

1.1 (didnt went) to Chiang Mai last weekend.

2. My father (washed) his car yesterday.

3. (did you went) to China last year?

4. They (studied) Chinese yesterday.

5. She (didnt sleeped) well last night.

6. (did he helped) his mother last night?

7. We (drinked) milk last night.

8. (did he swimed) in the pool yesterday?

9. You (didnt had) a new car.

10. The thief (runed) away from the policeman.​

nao tenho certeza se todos estao certos mas espero ter ajudado

MrGrando: Só acertou a 2 e a 4, o resto errou todas.
Respondido por MrGrando


1. I didn't go to Chiang Mai last weekend.

2. My father washed his car yesterday.

3. Did you go to China last year?

4. They studied Chinese yesterday.

5. She didn't sleep well last night.

6. Did he help his mother last night?

7. We drank milk last night.

8. Did he swim in the pool yesterday?

9. You didn't have a new car.

10. The thief ran away from the policeman.​


Diante da presente do DID nas frases, sejam elas negativas ou interrogativas os verbos ficam no infinitivo.

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