Inglês, perguntado por beannggh, 3 meses atrás

Fill in the blanks using the third conditional.​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por LucasEKS


Para preencher as colunas, utilizaremos a condicional do estilo:

"if + (past perfect + would have), (could have, might have + past participle)".

Assim, vamos às questões:

A) If I had been in town, I would have visited you.

B) If he hadn't played so badly, he could have won the match.

C) The bus driver wouldn't have run the animal over if he had driven more slowly.

D) If you had given me your email adress, I would have sent you some news.

E) I wouldn't have bought the car if my father hadn't lent me money.

F) If I had seen you, I could have talked to you.

Até mais!

beannggh: muito obrigada
LucasEKS: Disponha, não esqueça de avaliar a resposta como a melhor se gostou, isso me ajuda a crescer no site. Bons estudos! ;)
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