Inglês, perguntado por francielebatista64, 9 meses atrás

Figures show that Brazil still ‘brutally’ less

tests for coronavirus than it should;

'We are in the dark', says expert

Testing is essential to detect the infected, isolate

them and slow the progress of the pandemic in the country.

Scientists use numbers of deaths and occupation of beds to

understand the progression of the disease.

By Luiza Tenente, G1

12/06/2020 05h01 Updated 5 hours ago


“Brazil is testing brutally less than it should. At best, 20 times less than is considered adequate”, says

Daniel Lahr, professor at the Institute of Biosciences at the University of São Paulo (USP). "It is so little that the

sample can basically be ignored."

One of the indicators of low testing is the rate of positive results for Sars-CoV-2 in tests that detect

respiratory viruses. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the ideal is that, of all tests done, 5% or

less are positive. In Brazil, the daily average is well above that: it is 36.68%, according to the Our World In Data

platform, used in Johns Hopkins University statistics.

“The (positive) data is higher because we are testing only the most serious cases, especially in

hospitals,” says Paulo Nadanovsky, an epidemiologist at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz).



Os números mostram que o Brasil ainda "brutalmente" menos testes para coronavírus do que deveria; 'Estamos no

escuro', diz o especialista

Os testes são essenciais para detectar os infectados, isolá-los e retardar o avanço da pandemia no país. Os cientistas usam números de mortes e ocupação de leitos para

entender a progressão da doença.

Por Luiza Tenente, G1

12/06/2020 05h01 Atualizado 5 horas atrás […]

“O Brasil está testando brutalmente menos do que deveria. Na melhor das hipóteses, 20 vezes menos do que o considerado adequa do ”, diz Daniel Lahr, professor do

Instituto de Biociências da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). "É tão pouco que a amostra pode basicamente ser ignorada."Um dos indicadores de teste baixo é a taxa de

resultados positivos para Sars-CoV-2 em testes que detectam

vírus respiratórios. Segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), o ideal é que, de todos os exames feitos, 5% ou menos sejam positivos. No Brasil, a média diária

está bem acima disso: é de 36,68%, segundo a plataforma Our World In Data, utilizada nas estatísticas da Johns Hopkins University. “Os dados (positivos) são maiores

porque estamos testando apenas os casos mais graves, especialmente em hospitais ”, afirma Paulo Nadanovsky, epidemiologista da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz).
QUESTÃO 4 - Write:

A. Two personal pronouns contained in the text: _____________________________________________

B. Write a sentence of the text where there is comparative adjective:


C. Write a sentence of the text where there is superlative adjective


D. Write a sentence of the text where there is present continuous: _______________________________


E. Does the text have a Definite article? ( ) yes ( ) No

write it down: _______________________________________​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Present Continuous

⇒⇒  Definite article

Figures show that Brazil still ‘brutally’ less tests for coronavirus than it should. 'We are in the dark', says expert.

Testing is essential to detect the infected, isolate  them and slow the progress of the pandemic in the country. Scientists use numbers of deaths and occupation of beds to understand the progression of the disease.


“Brazil is testing brutally less than it should. At best, 20 times less than is considered adequate”, says Daniel Lahr, professor at the Institute of Biosciences at the University of São Paulo (USP). "It is so little that the

sample can basically be ignored."

One of the indicators of low testing is the rate of positive results for Sars-CoV-2 in tests that detect respiratory viruses. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the ideal is that, of all tests done, 5% or less are positive. In Brazil, the daily average is well above that: it is 36.68%, according to the Our World In Data  platform, used in Johns Hopkins University statistics.

The (positive) data is higher because we are testing only the most serious cases, especially in  hospitals,” says Paulo Nadanovsky, an epidemiologist at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz).


A. Two personal pronouns contained in the text

a. we

b. it

B. Write a sentence of the text where there is comparative adjective:

“Brazil is testing brutally less than it should.

“The (positive) data is higher because....''  

C. Write a sentence of the text where there is superlative adjective

“The (positive) data is higher because we are testing only the most serious cases, especially in  hospitals ...  ''

D. Write a sentence of the text where there is present continuous

“The (positive) data is higher because we are testing only the most serious cases...''

E. Does the text have a definite article?

(X) Yes

( ) No

Write it down:   THE

⇒⇒  Definite article /Artigo definido >>> só há um artigo definido em inglês >> THE >> é usado para se referir a alguma coisa que já se conhece, algo específico e ele equivale ao “o”, “os”, “a”, “as”, artigos definidos da língua portuguesa. "THE'' não flexiona. Pode ser usado no masculino, feminino, singular e plural.

the boy

the girl

the boys

the girls

⇒⇒  Present continuous    >>  tempo verbal usado quando queremos falar de algo que está acontecendo no momento em que falamos.  Pode vir acompanhado de ''now'' - ''right now'' - ''at the moment''


Sujeito + am / is / are  + verbo -ing

I am studying English now.

The kids are playing soccer.

John is working.

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