Inglês, perguntado por larinielsen, 1 ano atrás

Fazer resenha sobre o vídeo “As aventuras do Geodetetive 2: Latitude e Longitude" em inglês mínimo de 20 linhas máximo 30 linhas​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rafaelaleaosm


This learning object aims to explain how the geographic coordinates, latitude and longitude are established, used in the location of any point on the earth's surface and addresses the following contents, Earth Geometry: latitude and longitude. It tells the story of Arnaldo, a very curious young man who is always looking for knowledge. At night he dives into the books, takes on a new identity, transforms into the Geodetective and relies on the help of his assistant Sagan in his investigations. One night, they connect with air traffic controller Waldomiro to ask for clarification on how it is possible to accurately indicate the position of a point on Earth. The video can be used in Learning Situation 4, volume 2 of the 2nd grade of high school (Student and Teacher Notebooks - SEE/SP) and complemented with other videos: The adventures of Geodetective 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6; The dance of the sun.

Esse tanto dá ?

larinielsen: mds muito obrigada, da sim
rafaelaleaosm: dndd :))
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