Inglês, perguntado por ManoChris0, 8 meses atrás

fala galera, boa tarde! quem puder me ajudar nessas questões de inglês iria me adiantar muito! eu sei que são muitas questões, mas os meus professores estão passando muuuuuita tarefa e eu deixei acumular algumas tarefas, quem puder me ajudar eu ficarei grato! (são só questões de marcar x) valeeeeu!

1- Analise as opções e selecione a opção correta:

a. Eu tenho dois cachorros pretos.
( ) I have two blacks dogs. ( ) I have two black dogs. ( ) I have two dogs blacks.

b. Tinha dois pássaros lindos no parque.
( ) There were two birds beautifuls in the park.
( ) There were two beautiful birds in the park.
( ) There were two beautifuls birds in the park.

c. Eu emprestei duas canetas azuis.
( ) I lent two blue pens. ( ) I lent two pens blues. ( ) I lent two blues pens.

d. Mês passado eu fui em três festas legais.
( ) Last month I went to three cool partys.
( ) Last month I went to three cool parties.
( ) Last month I went to three parties cool.

e. O sushi-man usa duas facas grandes.
( ) The sushi-man uses two big knifes.
( ) The sushi-man uses two knifes bigs.
( ) The sushi-man uses two big knives.

2. Escolha a forma do verbo que completa corretamente as frases:
a. Yesterday, Julian __________ to school by car.
( ) go
( ) goes
( ) went

b. Did you _________ the movie last night?
( ) see
( ) saw
( ) seen

c. Carol didn't __________ a new car.
( ) buy
( ) bought
( ) bight

d. The school __________ at 9:00 in this morning.
( ) opens
( ) opened
( ) open

e. Bia __________ to __________ when she was 22 years-old.
( ) learned - drove
( ) learned - drive ( ) learn - drove

3- Marque a opção correta.
a) Andy ________ the family car.
( ) wash
( ) washes
( ) washs

b) Every morning my mother ________ at 6 o'clock.
( ) get up
( ) get ups
( ) gets up

c) Mr. Black ________ e-mails in the evenings.
( ) write
( ) writes
( ) writs

d) The girls ________ the shopping.
( ) dos
( ) does
( ) do

e. Michael __________ do the homework right now.
( ) will
( ) is going to

f. I think tomorrow I __________ visit the beach. ( ) will
( ) am going to

g. What __________ do later?
( ) will
( ) are you going to

h. Dad made coffee and mom ___________ drink a little. ( ) will
( ) is going to

i. Probably I ___________ show at Sandy's party.
( ) will
( ) am going to

4- Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente cada uma das frases abaixo:
1) I did everything that I ______, but we lost the match. a) can
b) can’t
c) may
d) could

2) You ______ take this job. It’s perfect for you!
a) should
b) can’t
c) can
d) shouldn’t

3) I wish I ______ buy this new car, but it’s only a distant dream.
a) might
b) shall
c) can
d) could

4) If I had your number, I _____ call you tomorrow.
a) can
b) should
c) would
d) can’t

5) The show _______ go on. a) can
b) shouldn’t
c) could
d) must ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rcezare


a. ( X ) I have two black dogs.

b. ( X ) There were two beautiful birds in the park.

c. ( X ) I lent two blue pens.

d. ( X ) Last month I went to three cool parties.

e. ( X ) The sushi-man uses two big knives.


a. Yesterday, Julian went  to school by car.

( X ) went

b. Did you see  the movie last night?

( X ) see

c. Carol didn't buy  a new car.

( X ) buy

d. The school opens  at 9:00 in this morning.

( X ) opens

e. Bia learned to drive when she was 22 years-old.

( X ) learned - drive

3- Marque a opção correta.

a) Andy washes  the family car.

( X ) washes

b) Every morning my mother gets up  at 6 o'clock.

( X ) gets up

c) Mr. Black writes  e-mails in the evenings.

( X ) writes

d) The girls do  the shopping.

( X ) do

e. Michael will  do the homework right now.

( X ) will

f. I think tomorrow I will  visit the beach.

( X ) will

g. What are you going to do later?

( X ) are you going to

h. Dad made coffee and mom is going to  drink a little.

( X ) is going to

i. Probably I will  show at Sandy's party.

( X ) will


4- Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente cada uma das frases abaixo:

1) I did everything that I could , but we lost the match.

d) could

2) You should  take this job. It’s perfect for you!

a) should

3) I wish I could  buy this new car, but it’s only a distant dream.

d) could

4) If I had your number, I would  call you tomorrow.

c) would

5) The show must go on.

d) must ​


Conjugação do Simple Present

Para conjugar um verbo no Simple Present, basta usá-lo no infinitivo sem o to no caso dos pronomes I, you, we e they, e acrescentar -s, -es ou -ies no caso dos pronomes he, she e it.

No caso dos pronomes he, she e it observe as seguintes regras:

=> Verbos terminados em -o, -z, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x

É preciso acrescentar -es no final do verbo.


to teach (ensinar) - teaches

to watch (assistir) - watches

to push (empurrar) - pushes

to kiss (beijar) - kisses

to go (ir) - goes

to fix (consertar) - fixes

=> Verbos terminados em -y precedido de consoante

Retira-se o -y e acrescenta-se -ies


to fry (fritar) - fries

to fly (voar) - flies

to study (estudar) - studies

to worry (preocupar-se) - worries

=> Verbos terminados em -y precedido de vogal

Acrescenta-se somente o -s.


to say (dizer) - says

to play (brincar; jogar) - plays

=> Para os demais verbos regulares somente é necessário acrescentar "s" no final do verbo no sem o "to".  


to work: works

to read: reads

to speak: speaks

ManoChris0: pow brother...valeu mesmo cara, boa noite mano :)
rcezare: Tmj! Bons estudos!
ManoChris0: valeu :D
CristianJR99: me ajuda por favor
ManoChris0: o link ta errado maninho
CristianJR99: agr ta certo
CristianJR99: hahaha
CristianJR99: se n for postei no meu perfil tbm
Respondido por verarochacosta9


marca o @rcezare como melhor resposta, vai ajudar muito ele ;)))))

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