Inglês, perguntado por juliagilbert, 8 meses atrás

Façam as atividades usando o Going To: Questão 01 -Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “The boy _________________ popcorn” no Immediate Future. a) am going to eat. b) are going to eat. c) is going to eat. d) be going to eat. e) N.D.A _____________________________________________ Questão 02 - Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “_____________ more tonight?”? a) Is he going to study. b) Is going he to study. c) He is going to study. d) Going he is to study. e) N.D.A. _____________________________________________ Questão 03 - Marque a alternativa que tenha a forma negativa da frase “Glenda is going to visit you”. a) Glenda not is going to visit you. b) Glenda not going to visit you. c) Glenda isn’t not going to visit you. d) Glenda is not going to visit you. e) N.D.A. _____________________________________________ Questão04 - Marque a alternativa cuja frase não esteja no Simple Future. a) They didn’t watch TV. b) She will watch TV tonight. c) We will travel next week. d) I will study for the test. e) N.D.A. Questão 05 - Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “I ________________ free time tomorrow” no Simple Future? a) will to have. b) have will. c) will have. d) have. e) N.D.A. _____________________________________________ Questão - 06 - Qual é a forma negativa da frase “Paul will paint the house”? a) Paul not will paint the house. b) Paul won’t paint the house. c) Paul not will painted the house. d) Paul won’t painted the house. Questão 07 - Marque a opção que completa corretamente a frase , com o passado simples do verbo dado entre parênteses : We...the information on the magazine's website. (Find) a) Finded b) Found c) Founded d) Fund e) N.D.A. Questão 08 - Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “Mario spoke English very well”? a) Mario speak English very well? b) Did Mario speak English very well? c) Did Mario spoke English very well? d) Mario spoke English very well? e) N.D.A. Questão 09 - Marque a opção que corresponde à ordem das preposições que completam corretamente a frase " Nick lives _____ a farm, but I live ______ Goiania and most part of my relatives live ______ as small village near Annapolis." a) at – at – at b) on – at – on c) in – at – at d) in – in – in e) on – in – at Questão 10 - Marque a opção que corresponde à ordem das preposições que completam corretamente a frase "During the week I get up early ______ the morning anjd go to bed late ______ night, But normally _____ weekends I sleep _______ midday." a) in – at – at – until b) on – in – in – as far as c) on – at – at – even d) in – at – in – until e) in – in – at – till

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rcezare

Questão 01 -  “The boy is going to eat popcorn” no Immediate Future.

c) is going to eat.

Questão 02 - “Is he going to study more tonight?”?

a) Is he going to study.

Questão 03 - “Glenda is going to visit you”.

d) Glenda is not going to visit you.

Questão04 - a) They didn’t watch TV.

Questão 05 -  “I will have free time tomorrow” no Simple Future?

c) will have.

Questão - 06 -  “Paul will paint the house”?

b) Paul won’t paint the house.

Questão 07 - We found the information on the magazine's website. (Find)

b) Found

Questão 08 -  “Mario spoke English very well”

b) Did Mario speak English very well?

Questão 09 - "Nick lives on a farm, but I live in Goiania and most part of my relatives live in a small village near Annapolis."

Questão 10 - "During the week I get up early in the morning and go to bed late at night, But normally at weekends I sleep until midday."

a) in – at – at – until

Respondido por nicolaskucera1

De acordo com a correta utilização do going to e do will no simple future, e de proposições, em língua inglesa, é correto afirmar:

1 - C) Is going to eat.

2 - A) Is he going to study

3 - D) Glenda is not going to visit you

4 - A) They didn't watch TV.

5 - C) Will have

6 - B) Paul won't paint the house.

7 - B) Found

8 - B) Did mario speak English very well?

9 - E) ON - IN - AT

10 - A) IN - AT - AT - UNTIL

Na forma do Futuro Simples, em inglês, podemos utilizar o going to para se referir a ações planejadas ou que estão em iminência de ocorrer. Na forma negativa basta incluir o NOT antes do going to. Na forma interrogativa basta passar o verbo para antes do sujeito.

O will também é utilizado no Futuro Simples, mas indica um futuro com mais incerteza, ainda a ser decidido. A negação é Will not, e tem sua forma contracta Won't.

As preposições In, On e At são utilizadas para fazer referência ao lugar ou ao tempo. Os significados podem variar de acordo com o contexto.

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