Inglês, perguntado por erylukas0508, 7 meses atrás

faça uma redação em inglês usando os tempos verbais (passado, presente e futuro) separe-os para eu possa identificar

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gustmelo92


writing and reading and how those things affect our brain

writing is the ability of putting ideas and concepts into paper or in modern times in computer screens! it was assumed over thousands of years since the invention of writing itself that it could enhance our brains made us more thoughtful and even improve our abilities of speech and body language as a whole, nevertheless just in recent times there was actual proof that writing is affecting our brain for better, since the invention of MRI's scientists have done thousands of experiments with genius writes and normal people to observe how the act of putting ideas into paper enhance our brain's connections, thus they have started with experiments with people tipping into a computer a random essay, and a surprisingly result came of those experiments, the regions of our brain related to speech motor skills and even listening skills were all intertwined in the simple act of writing, scientists have concluded that our brain not only focus on developing our ideas and then tipping then into a paper, a myriad of components within our brain were all activated to accomplish this simple essay, thus those results are a strong evidence that our brain does enhance overtime the more you practice your writing!


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