Inglês, perguntado por Thiago4kz, 11 meses atrás

Faça uma redação em inglês de até (90 palavras) com o tema “An unforgettable story”

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Respondido por isabelasmmo

(Inspirado em uma história real)

The story begins when a Chinese couple stops at a restaurant to eat one of their favorite dishes: Dog.While eating, they notice something strange in that dog, realize that he had rabies before he died.They called the manager and told him,and he checked, apologized, and gave them another dog.

As they returned home, the woman began to experience a strange sensation, shortness of breath and cough.

14 days went by and she was still like that.

The couple decided to go to the doctor to check if the woman was all right, and he diagnosed her with the disease: COVID-19 ....Yeah, covid-19.

They discovered that the disease was contagious, but before they found out it already existed and transmitted the disease to the entire Chinese country.

As in China many and many tourists seek, they were forced to return to their countries, taking the disease with them.

And that resulted in an unforgettable story: the global pandemic and quarantine because of that miserable disease.

A LOT of people like an apocalypse, we don't have the cure..This is my unforgettable history.

Espero ter ajudado..^^.

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