Inglês, perguntado por rafinhafofa04, 11 meses atrás

Faça um texto explicando o que é paz em inglês pra você.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MeninaPlays
Peace, it is when there are no wars, when people like each other, interact without spirit of revenge.
Respondido por NicoleVitoriaDm1
Peace is not just the absence of war between countries. Peace is to ensure that all people have housing, food, clothing, education, health, love understanding, that is, good quality of life. Peace is to take care of the environment in which we live, to guarantee the good quality of water, the basic sanitation, the depollution of the air, the good use of the land. Peace is to seek the serenity within ourselves to live with joy the good times, to have strength and good ideas to face the problems and to solve the difficulties. All this without having to run away. Above all, PEACE is to create a climate of harmony and well-being in the family and in the community, always remembering that where there is love, there is peace. Where there is peace, there is God and where there is God, nothing is lacking.
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