Inglês, perguntado por vitornaitzel, 8 meses atrás

Faça previsões para os seus colegas de sala usando o futuro (Will)

Example: John says that Mary will find a new job

a)______________________ says that _____________________________________________________________

b)______________________ says that _____________________________________________________________

c)______________________ says that _____________________________________________________________

d)______________________ says that _____________________________________________________________

e)______________________ says that _____________________________________________________________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

a. Felipe says that Juliana will have a bloody stroke if she doesn't calm the heck down.

b. Andressa says that Rafael will knock someone up if he doesn't start wearing a condom.

c. André says that Eduardo will get robbed sooner or later.

d. Luísa says that Patrícia won't get any presents for her birthday.

e. Marcos says that Gustavo won't win the bet.

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