Inglês, perguntado por Sophia1flor, 9 meses atrás

Faça perguntas com as palavras abaixo. Ordene-as corretamente.
1(you / are / listening /to me)
2( where / your friends / are / going)
3( are / watching / your parents / television )
4(what / Jessica / is / cooking)
5( why / you / are / looking / at me )
6( is / coming / the bus)

Por favor me ajudem!!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por EllayneCris

1(you / are / listening /to me)

are you  listening to me?

2( where / your friends / are / going)

where are your friends going?

3( are / watching / your parents / television )

are your paretns  watching television?

4(what / Jessica / is / cooking)

whats is jessica cooking?

5( why / you / are / looking / at me )

why are yu looking at me?

6( is / coming / the bus)

is the bus coming?

Sophia1flor: Obrigada!!
Respondido por luisamoraesmiguel200

Resposta:are you listening to me

where are your friends going

are your parents watching television

what is jessica cooking

why are you looking at me

is the bus coming


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