Inglês, perguntado por kbraga010gmailcom, 11 meses atrás

Faça na forma interrogativa e negativa
1 I have a small car
2 She has a new bag
3 They have a box of tabaco
4 You have a pretty house
5 He has an old car

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por GiGiudice
1) N: I don't have a small car.
I: Do you have a small car?
2) N: She doesn't have a new bag.
I: Does she have a new bag?
3) N: They don't have a box of tabaco.
I: Do they have a box of tabaco?
4) N: You don't have a pretty house.
I: Do you have a pretty house?
5) N: He doesn't have an old car.
I: Does he have an old car?

Acho que é isso, espero ter ajudado!! //Giovana
Respondido por luiza1212
Para se formar frases interrogativas com o verbo have segue-se a seguinte estrutura:

Do/does + sujeito (they/she...) + have+ complemento +?

Have e do são usados para They, you, we, I
Has e does são usados para he, she, it, mas has não é utilizado seguindo o does... O certo seria (por exemplo): she does have. Ao invés de: she does has)

Para formar frases negativas:

Sujeito + do+ not + have/has + complemento

Por exemplo:
1- I don't have a small car
Do I have a small car?

2- she doesn't have a new bag.
Does she have a new bag?

3- they don't have a box of tobacco
Do they have a box o tobacco?

4- You don't have a pretty house.
Do you have a pretty house?

5- He doesn't have an old car.
Does he have an old car?

Bons estudos ^^
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