Inglês, perguntado por mikaelly1232, 10 meses atrás

faça as frases no present perfect tente. observe que elas podem estar nas formas AFIRMATIVE, NEGATIVE and INTERROGATIVE

•(she/leave her phone in a táxi)
•(he/hurt his leg)
•(where/You /Study arabic)?
•(he/Study latim)
•(he/not/forget his books)
•(she/steal all the chocolate)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por andrecfranco81
- She has left her phone in a taxi.
- He has hurt his leg.
- Where have you studied arabic?
- He has studied latim.
- He hasn't forgotten his books.
- She has stolen all the chocolate.
Respondido por 07Oliver
She has left her phone in a taxi.
He has hurt his leg.
Where have you studied Arabic?
He has studied latim
he hasn't forgot his books.
She has stolen all the chocolate.

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