Faça a interrogativa afirmativa e negativa
A) peter is not a teacher
B) are they stusents vuy mas smart
C) the dog is very fat
D) jonh and bob gaod students
E) are they boys in they school
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
A- Interrogativa: Isn´t Peter a teacher?
Afirmativa: Peter is a tecaher
Negativa: Peter is not a teacher
B- Interrogativa: Are The students very smart? (não dá para entender direito a sua escrita, mas acho que é isso)
Afirmativa: The students are very smart
Negtiva: The students aren´t very smart
C- Is the dog very fat?
The dog is very fat
The dog ins´t very fat
D- Are John and Bob good students?
John and Bob are good students
John and Bob are not good students
E- Are they boys in their school? (Também não dá para entender direito a grafia da frase mas acho que é isso)
The boys are in their school
The boys aren´t in their school
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