Inglês, perguntado por gustavo354664, 1 ano atrás

fable: the ant and the grasshopper
during all summer, the ants were working restlessly gathering all the food they could while they were busy all this, the grasshopper was singing and dancing in the forest.
then came alerrible winter. the grasshopper went to an ant ana said in a whiny - voice, '' how about girring me a little bit of all food you have, ant?''
the ant repld , '' i'm sorry, grasshopper, but we need every bit of it to feed us through winter what did you do all summer?''
''oh, i sang and drank and
danced all the to be i'm hungry now, not last summer.''
''that's just the point', said the ant' we were because we didn't want to be in the same situaton that you are now unfortunately, we can't help you goodbye'', and the ant enterd his house .
moral: it is best to prepare for the days of necessity

B) qual o objetivo, para que serve esse tipo de texto que perdura nos livros e no imaginário popular durante tanto tempo.

alguem me ajuda por favor​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jovialmassingue



De uma forma geral a fábula nos ensina que

há sempre um tempo reservado para o trabalho, e outro tempo reservado para a diversão, e devemos saber distinguir os tempos para não arcar com as consequências, devemos realizar um plano pois para toda ação praticada há sempre um efeito imediato possível de mensurar, e vários outros a médio e longo prazo impossíveis de determinar...


In general, the fable teaches us that

there is always time set aside for work, and another time set aside for fun, and we must know how to distinguish times so as not to bear the consequences, we must carry out a plan because for every action taken there is always an immediate effect that can be measured, and several others in the medium and long term impossible to determine ..

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