Inglês, perguntado por renataviegas85, 9 meses atrás

f) Is it
(safe/secure) to walk around here
at night?
g) The Eiffel Tower is one of Paris' main
h) You don't have to buy tickets in
(advanceladvantage). You can buy them on the train.
i) Does this bus
(go/drive) to Chicago?
1) Where's the nearest gas(US)/petrol(UK).

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ndahora


f - Is it safe to walk aorund here at night?

g - The Eiffel tower in one of Paris' main attractions.

h - ?

i) Dos this bus go to Chicago?

j - Where is the nearest petrol station?


Só não entendi a h. Se puder informar o que está entre parênteses terei o prazer de responder. ;)

renataviegas85: h (advance/advantage)
ndahora: You don't have to buy tickets in advance. You can buy them on the train.
renataviegas85: Obg!
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