Extraia do texto 5 palavras cognatas!!!!! Because English is the most important international language in the world. Some fact prove that : English is the international language of air and sea travels, of computing, of pop music, of politics, science and medicine, sports TV and films. The world today is very small place. Communication and travel are extremely quick ; think of jet planes , satellite TV, telephones, telex and fax, for example. Because of this, we need a common language, and this language is English. English is the first language in : Australia, Bahamas, Canada, Ireland, Guyana, New Zealand, The United Kingdom, and The United States of America. And it is official second language in many other countries like: India, Nigeria, South Africa, Israel... English is slowly becoming more than one language ; because in every country it is spoken there are differences in some vocabulary words, in some grammatical structures.
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒⇒ Cognatos
Because English is the most important international language in the world. Some fact prove that : English is the international language of air and sea travels, of computing, of pop music, of politics, science and medicine, sports TV and films. The world today is very small place. Communication and travel are extremely quick ; think of jet planes , satellite TV, telephones, telex and fax, for example. Because of this, we need a common language, and this language is English. English is the first language in : Australia, Bahamas, Canada, Ireland, Guyana, New Zealand, The United Kingdom, and The United States of America. And it is official second language in many other countries like: India, Nigeria, South Africa, Israel... English is slowly becoming more than one language ; because in every country it is spoken there are differences in some vocabulary words, in some grammatical structures.
→→ Cognatos >> são palavras em inglês que têm a grafia similar e o mesmo significado em português.
Comedy – comédia
Different – diferente
Future – futuro
Idea - ideia
I like to watch comedy movies.
My father had a good idea about cleaning the backyard.
→→ Falso cognato >> são palavras, em inglês, que são escritas quase da mesma forma que em português, mas que têm a tradução completamente diferente.
parece significa
Expert esperto especialista - perito
Actually atualmente na verdade - na realidade
Parents parentes pais >> pai e mãe
Fabric fábrica tecido
Relatives relativos parentes
Pretend pretender fingir
Intend entender planejar - pretender
Aprenda mais em:
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/23380606
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/24691341
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/26186520