explique a "SHORT FORM"
Soluções para a tarefa
Short Form é a forma abreviada do inglês.
Formas abreviadas na sentença afirmativa
Nessa categoria, temos que tomar bastante cuidado ao observar algumas palavras em sua forma contrata. Isso porque algumas contrações podem ter dois ou até mesmo três significados, mas a mesma escrita. É o caso, por exemplo, de “She'd”, que pode ser “she had” ou “she would”. Devemos levar o contexto em consideração para saber de qual dos dois se trata.
Veja alguns exemplos:
→ She'd like to watch! (She would like to watch)
→ She'd finished her homework when I arrived. (She had finished her homework when I arrived.)
Outra contração que também deve ser observada com cuidado é o ('s), pois, além de poder significar “is” ou “has”, ainda pode ser usado com substantivos, nomes, perguntas, entre outros, e não apenas com pronomes, como é comumente ensinado.
Veja alguns exemplos:
→ Nick's arrived.
→ The cab's late.
→ Where's the butter?
→ Here's your place.
→ There's no one like you.
Contracted Form
I'm – I've – I'll – I’d
You're – you've – you'll – you'd
He's – he'll – he'd
She's – she'll – she'd
It's – It'll
We're – we've – we'll – we'd
They're – they've – they'll – they'd
Original Form
I am – I have – I will/I shall – I would/I should/I had
You are – you have – you will – you had/you would
He has/he is – he will – he had/he would
She has/she is – she will – she had/she would
It has/it is – it will
We are – we have – we will – we had/we would
They are – they have – they will – they had/they would
Formas abreviadas na sentença negativa
Na forma negativa, há duas maneiras de colocar o verbo “to be” contraído:
→ You aren't - You're not (contraída) = You are not (original)
Em perguntas, “am not” passa para a forma contrata “aren't”, como mostra no exemplo:
→ I'm pretty, aren't I?
Contracted Form
Aren't – isn't
Can't – couldn’t
Didn't – doesn't – don't
Hasn't – haven't – hadn't
Mayn't – mightn't – mustn't
Needn't – Oughtn't
Shan't – shouldn't
Wasn't – weren't
Won't – wouldn't
Original Form
Are not – is not
Cannot, can not – could not
Did not – does not – do not
Has not – have not – had not
May not – might not – must not
Need not
Ought not
Shall not – should not
Was not – were not
Will not – would not
She is = She's
She is not = She isn't or She's not