Explicar a construção, e uso do verbo to be no passado , exemplificando com 3 frases afirmativas , 3 frases interrogativas , é 3 frases negativas , usando was e were .
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
O verb to be significa ser ou estar, no passado em vez de usarmos o Am, Is e Are usamos no passado Was e Were.
Affirmative form:
I was
You were
He was
She was
It was
We were
You were
They were
I was veryhungry yesterday
It was too cold yesterday
Negative form:
Só necessita por not no final:
I was not e asim por diante
Negative form contract:
Juntar Was e not= Wasn't
E para. were not= Weren't
It wasn't
They weren't
They were not good students
Mary wasn't the main actress.
Interrogative form:
Para fazermos perguntas com verb be, apenas mudamos a posição do verbo e colocamos no inicio.
I was
Was i?
You were
were you?
They were
were they?
Were you occupied when I called to you?
Were you sad?
Affirmative form:
I was
You were
He was
She was
It was
We were
You were
They were
I was veryhungry yesterday
It was too cold yesterday
Negative form:
Só necessita por not no final:
I was not e asim por diante
Negative form contract:
Juntar Was e not= Wasn't
E para. were not= Weren't
It wasn't
They weren't
They were not good students
Mary wasn't the main actress.
Interrogative form:
Para fazermos perguntas com verb be, apenas mudamos a posição do verbo e colocamos no inicio.
I was
Was i?
You were
were you?
They were
were they?
Were you occupied when I called to you?
Were you sad?
Espero ter ajudado, precisando estou aqui.
Perguntas interessantes
1 ano atrás
1 ano atrás
1 ano atrás
1 ano atrás
1 ano atrás
1 ano atrás