Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 1 ano atrás

Exercises : preencha os espaços escrevendo os verbos no tempo passado (past tense) na forma negativa
1) model: the thief didn t streal the car but he stole the moto
2) we___________________________ the number but awe knew the name of the street
3) she________________________ the glasses but she bought the cups
4) l _________________________ the keys but l found the documents
5) l _________________________ the house but l sold the apartment
6) she _______________________ for the rubbers but she paid for the pens
7) l ______________________________ a letter but l sent a postcardard
8) you______________________ a lot of money in the game but you spent a lot of time
9) l_______________________ in the first row but l sat in the last one
10) he ______________________________ a story but he told a joke
preciso das respostas certas obrigado quem puder me ajudar me ajudem

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MileMarino
2) didn't know
3) didn't buy
4) didn't find
5) didn't sell
6) didn't pay
7) didn't send
8) didn't spend
9) didn't sit
10) didn't tell

Usuário anônimo: esta certo?
Usuário anônimo: ??
Usuário anônimo: mt obrigada]
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