Inglês, perguntado por adrianaribeiro4554, 5 meses atrás

Siga as instruções da pág. 03
1. Complete the following sentences using "can","can't", "could" ou
a) My son
open the window. He's not tall enough to reach it.
b) Don't need to fix that. I do it myself.
c) She
take his son to the movies with us, if she wishes to.
d) This is a game for little kids only. Adults
play it.
e) Betsy looked everywhere but she find her kitten.
f) They've lost the bus and
find their way back to the hotel.
- Complete the following sentences using must and mustn't with one of
the verbs listed below:
eat - steal-listen - water - cross-leave
a) Students
to the teacher if they want to learn.
b) We
because it is a crime.
a lot of vegetables.
c) If you want to be health, you
d) We
the street without looking the signai.
e) She
Learly because her class begins at 7 o'clock sharp.
f) You
the garden before we start our travel.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por EmiliaKerner


a) My son CAN'T open the window. He's not tall enough to reach it.

b) Don't need to fix that. I CAN do it myself.

c) She CAN take his son to the movies with us, if she wishes to.

d) This is a game for little kids only. Adults CAN'T

play it.

e) Betsy looked everywhere but she COULDN'T find her kitten.

f) They've lost the bus and COULDN'T find their way back to the hotel.

= * = * = * = * = * = * =

a) Students MUST LISTEN to the teacher if they want to learn.

b) We MUSTN'T STEAL because it is a crime.

c) If you want to be health, you MUST eat a lot of vegetables.

d) We MUSTN'T CROSS the street without looking the signal.

e) She MUST LEAVE early because her class begins at 7 o'clock sharp.

f) You MUST WATER the garden before we start our travel.

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