Inglês, perguntado por Meguterres, 4 meses atrás


1) Marque somente a opção que
preencha o espaço corretamente:
O ________________________ indica
ações que você faz todos os dias,
( ) simple present
( ) verbo to BE
( ) pronome pessoal
2) Conjugue o verbo “TO LOVE”
(amar) no “SIMPLE PRESENT”:
I _________________________________
You ______________________________
He _______________________________
She ______________________________
It ________________________________
We ______________________________
You ______________________________
They _____________________________
3) Conjugue o verbo “TO FIX”
(consertar) no SIMPLE PRESENT:
I _________________________________
You ______________________________
He _______________________________
She ______________________________
It ________________________________
We ______________________________
You ______________________________
They _____________________________
4) Complete as frases com a forma
verbal correta:
a) We _________ in Brazil.
( live – lives )
b) She __________ his boyfriend.
( kiss – kisses )

c) They __________ to the school.
( go – goes )
d) John ___________ his class at nine.
( finish – finishes )
e) You ___________ yours books to
the library. ( carry – carries )
5) Passe as frases para o singular:
a) They do the exercises.

b) They relax after class.

c) They fly in the Sky.
d) They watch TV every day.
e) They play football every day.

6) Complete com a forma verbal correta
dos verbos entre parênteses no
Ex.: You GO to the beach.
He GOES to the club. (to go – ir)
a) I __________ English.
She ___________ Portuguese.
(to teach – ensinar)
b) We _________ “Yes”!.
He __________ “No”!. (to say - dizer)
c) They _________ on the Saturday.
Mary _________ on the Sunday.
(to work - trabalhar)
d) You __________stone.
Peter _________ books.
(to carry - carregar)

e) I ________ the soft service.
It _________ the hard service.
(to do - fazer)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gegedancamt67


1) Marque somente a opção que  preencha o espaço corretamente:

O __________ indica  ações que você faz todos os dias,  costumeiramente.

(X) simple present

2) Conjugue o verbo “TO LOVE”  (amar) no “SIMPLE PRESENT”:

I love

You love

He loves

She love s

It loves

We love

You love

They love

3) Conjugue o verbo “TO FIX”  (consertar) no SIMPLE PRESENT:

I fix

You fix

He fixes

She fixes

It fixes

We fix

You fix

They fix

4) Complete as frases com a forma  verbal correta:

a) We live in Brazil.

( live – lives )

b) She kisses his boyfriend.

( kiss – kisses )  

c) They go to the school.

( go – goes )

d) John finishes his class at nine.

( finish – finishes )

e) You carry yours books to  the library.

( carry – carries )

5) Passe as frases para o singular:

a) They do the exercises.

I do the exercises.  

b) They relax after class.

She relaxes after class.

c) They fly in the Sky.

You fly in the Sky.

d) They watch TV every day.

He watches TV every day.

e) They play football every day.

It plays football every day

6) Complete com a forma verbal correta  dos verbos entre parênteses no


Ex.: You GO to the beach.

He GOES to the club. (to go – ir)

a) I teach English.

She teaches Portuguese.

(to teach – ensinar)

b) We say “Yes”!.

He says “No”!. (to say - dizer)

c) They work on the Saturday.

Mary works on the Sunday.

(to work - trabalhar)

d) You carry stone.

Peter carries books.

(to carry - carregar)  

e) I do the soft service.

It does the hard service.

(to do - fazer)

Espero ter ajudado, bons estudos e beba água <3

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