Inglês, perguntado por smok92, 8 meses atrás

Exercise 5 - Wh-Questions

1. Complete as questões com estas question words: what, which, who, when, where, why, how, what time, whose.

a) _________ do you get there? By bus?
b) _________ does the plane land? c) _________ do you want for your birthday?
d) _________ do you go on holiday?
e) _________ is your best friend?
f) __________ is this dog?
g) __________ does she go with them? h) __________ film do you prefer?
i) __________ does he start the English course?

2. Complete as questões com how much ou how many.

a) ___________ people live in your town?
b) ___________ phone numbers do you know by heart?
c) ___________ traffic is there in your street?
d) ___________ teachers work at your school?
e) ___________ money does the Prime Minister earn?
f) ___________ water do you drink a day?

3. Organize as palavras abaixo e forme questões.

Veja o exemplo: books / read / every month / how many / you / do How many books do you read every month?

a) juice / drink / every day / how much /you / do ____________________________________________ ?

b) your bike / buy / where / you / do ____________________________________________ ?

c) doctor / do / go to / when / you _____________________________________________ ?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por FabiannS


1- A) How / B) Where / C) What / D) When / E) Who / F) Who / G) Why / H) Which / I) When

2- A) How many / B) How many / C) How much / D) How many / E) How much / F) How much

3- A) How much juice do you drink every day? / B) Where did you buy your bike? / C) When do you go to the doctor?


A Wh- Questions (What, which, who, when, where, why, how, what time, whose) podem ser traduzidas, respectivamente, assim: What - O que / Which - Qual / Who - Quem / When - Quando / Where - Onde / Why - Porquê / How - Como / What time - Que horas/tempo / Whose - De quem.

Logo, basta olhar de volta para as frases e ver qual delas mais se encaixa

E sobre How Much x How Many, se usa da seguinte forma: "Much" é usado com as palavras incontáveis, ou seja, aquelas que só são usadas no singular, enquanto “Many” quantifica os substantivos contáveis, que têm plural (e são sempre usados no plural quando acompanhados de “many”)

Espero que isso tenha lhe ajudado! :)

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