Inglês, perguntado por thiaguinhomanteiguin, 3 meses atrás

Exercise 1: Put the verbs into the right tense so as to form the First Conditional.
1. If we come (come) to the party, you
………………………………….(have) fun.
2. If the weather ………………………………………………(be) good, we
…………………………………………….. (go) for a picnic.
3. If you ………………………………………………..(eat) a lot of sweets, you
…………………………………………..….. (get) fat.
4. If she ………………………………………………. (call), I
……………………………………………(tell) her to come back earlier.
5. If Mary …………………………………………………….. (not/ study), she
……………………………………….(not pass) the exam.
6. If it ……………………………………………….. (rain), we
………………………………………….(stay) at home.
7. If you …………………………………………… (do) your homework now, we
……………………………………………..(go) to the park later.
8. If I ……………………………………….(buy) the book, I
……………………………………………….(lend) it to you.
9. If we …………………………………………….(not / leave) now, we
…………………………………………………(miss) the bus.
10. If we …………………………………………….(miss) the bus, we
…………………………………………(be) late.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por GiovanaPocinho

1. will have

2. is / can go

3. eat/ will get

4. calls/ will tell

5. doesn't study/ won't pass

6. rains/ will stay

7. do/ can go

8. buy/ will lend

9. don't leave/ will miss

10. miss/ will be

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