Inglês, perguntado por FefeBr326, 7 meses atrás

Exercise 1: Complete os espaços com o PRESENT CONTINUOUS. 1. I____________(build) a sandcastle right now. 2.____________(you / buy) these shoes now? 3. Jason____________(dig) a big hole at the moment. 4. Tom________________(draw) a picture of a lion now. 5. The kids_______________(hide) behind the tree now. 6. My sister_______________(not make) a cake now. 7. Look! the sun_____________(rise). 8._______________(Lucas / ride) his bike right now? 9.________________(Ryan / sing) a song now? 10. Lea and I_______________(swim) in the pool at the moment. 11. Andrea_______________(talk) to his teacher at present. 12. Rebeca________________(not listen) to you now. 13. Selena_______________(not wear) her glasses now. 14. I_______________(think) of quitting my job nowadays. 15. You_______________(spend) a lot of money nowadays. 16. What__________________(she / show) to you right now? 17.________________(Jess / go) home? 18. Why__________________(you / run)? 19. Thomas_______________(fly) a kite now. 20. I_______________(try) to finish my project at the moment.

FefeBr326: Não precisa responder todos!
FefeBr326: mas se responder alguns já vai estar me ajudando muito

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por marynasantos2014


1 - I am building a sandcastle right now.

2- Are buying these shoes now?

3 - Jason is digging  a big hole at the moment.

4- Tom is drawing  picture of a lion now.

5- The kids are hiding behind the tree now.

6 - My sister not am making a cake now.

7 - Look! the sun are rising.

8- Lucas is riding  his bike right now?

9- Ryan is singing  a song now?

10- Lea and I am swimming in the pool at the moment.

11- Andrea is talking to his teacher at present.

12- Rebeca is listening  to you now.


Espero ter ajudado

Respondido por anataliabonecasdepan


1. I am building (build) a sandcastle right now.

2. Are you buying (you / buy) these shoes now?

3. Jason is digging (dig) a big hole at the moment.

4. Tom is drawing (draw) a picture of a lion now.

5. The kids are hiding (hide) behind the tree now.

6. My sister isn't making (not make) a cake now.

7. Look! the sun is rising (rise).

8. Is Lucas riding (Lucas / ride) his bike right now?

9. Is Ryan singing (Ryan / sing) a song now?

10. Lea and I are swimming (swim) in the pool at the moment.

11. Andrea is talking (talk) to his teacher at present.

12. Rebeca isn't listening (not listen) to you now.

13. Selena isn't wearing (not wear) her glasses now.

14. I am thinking (think) of quitting my job nowadays.

15. You are spending (spend) a lot of money nowadays.

16. What is she showing (she / show) to you right now?

17. Is Jess going (Jess / go) home?

18. Why are you running (you / run)?

19. Thomas is flying (fly) a kite now.

20. I am trying (try) to finish my project at the moment.


           VERBO TO BE (no presente)       +    VERBO PRINCIPAL ing

                        I am  studying now.

                                           Eu estou estudando agora  

O tempo contínuo em português são os verbos com a terminação:


andando - correndo - dormindo - supondo  

I hope I helped you. Good luck!

(Espero ter ajudado você. Boa sorte!)

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