01. Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:
a) He teaches English
b) She studies English
c) John loves pop music
d) We studies Portuguese
02. Qual das alternativas abaixo apresenta o SIMPLE PRESENT CORRETAMENTE:
a) He study English
b) I goes to the beach
c) I playng tennis
d) She watches TV
03. Marque a alternativa correta para completar as frases com o verbo na forma do SIMPLE PRESENT
a) I in Brazil
a( ) live b( ) lives
b) He Spanish at the university
a( ) teach b( ) teaches
c) They Italian food
a( ) prefer b( ) prefers
d) She TV every day
a( ) watch b( ) watches
e) we to go to the beach during the week
a( ) like b( ) likes
04. Complete com HEVE ou HAS
a) John a old car...
b) You a good idea
c) Stephanie many friends
d) They a good team
e) He there dogs
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1. D
2. D
3. a) a
b) b
c) a
d) b
e) a
4. a) John has a old car.
b) You have a good idea.
c) Stephanie has many friends.
d) They have a good team.
e) He has three dogs.
1. O correto seria: We study portuguese.
2. Corrigindo as alternativas erradas:
a) He studies english.
b) I go to the beach.
c) I play tennis.
Espero ter ajudado!
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