Inglês, perguntado por larissadiniz4048, 4 meses atrás

Complete as frases usando a forma do particípio passado:
I ________ at English Live since 2007 (have work)
It ________raining yet and the kids haven't finished their homework (have stop) You ________so much since the last time I saw you (have grow)
I ________seven meetings this week (have have)
My family ________ to London. (have be)
He ___________ here for three months. (have work) They __________ to Australia many times. (have go) ____ you ever ____ to Paris? (have be)
My family _________ me recently. (have visit)
My parents __________ yet. (have not arrive)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por maaaharaujo2003
oi amiga te amo, alguém nos ajuda pelo amor de deus

larissadiniz4048: obrigada te amo e deus nos salve
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