Inglês, perguntado por carlinha132, 7 meses atrás


Assinale a alternativa correta

1) “______ is your brother like?”
“He is tall and slim”
A) How B) Who C) Whom D) What E) Why

2) Someone knocks at the door. On the inide you say:
A) Who is it? B) Who is he?
C) Who is? D) Who is she?

3) _____ is Mr. Brown? Is he a teacher?
A) What B) Whom C) Which D) Whose E) Where

4) ______ do you treat your younger broher like that?
A)) Why b) Who C) Whom D) What E) Whose

5) _______ pencil is this, Mario’s or Pedro’s?
A) Who B) When C) Whose D) Where

Complete com o pronome interrogativo correto.

6) __________ does Andrew do for living?

7) __________ do you study English?

8) __________ does Katherine have so many cats?

9) __________ does have problem with this subject?

10) __________ do you whant your coffee, ma'am?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por DiegoPC3


1- A

2- C

3- E

4- A

5- C

6- What

7- Where

8- Why

9- Who

10- How

Respondido por njardim489


1) A

2) A

3) A

4) A

5) C

6) What

7) Why

8) Why

9) Who

10) How

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