Sociologia, perguntado por luizinhoHD, 11 meses atrás

eu preciso de alguém que seja bom em inglês

Now, you are going to do the other way round. You have the sentences in the reported speech form and you must write them in the direct speech.

a) Alice asked me if I would have some time at the weekend.


b) The old man told the police officer that he didn't remember his name.

Old man:

c) Allan said he had been very busy those days.


d) The boy asked his mother where she met his father. The boy:

e) The little girl said she wanted a lollipop then. The little girl:​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por luizfrmv

A)Alice me perguntou se eu teria algum tempo no fim de semana.

B)O velho disse ao policial que não lembrava seu nome.

C)Allan disse que estivera muito ocupado naqueles dias.

D)O menino perguntou à mãe onde ela conheceu o pai.

E)A menina disse que queria um pirulito então.

luizinhoHD: cara vc só traduziu
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