Inglês, perguntado por Milenasaantos9409, 11 meses atrás

Eu preciso de 5 frases no futuro simples com Will na afirmativa,negativa e interrogativo. O outro é 5 frases no futuro com going to na afirmativa,negativa e interrogativo. Obg

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MarnieFrayre
I will eat this later (eu fazer isso depois)- yes, I will eat this later - no, I will not eat this later - will I eat that later? /// we will have a party tomorrow (nós iremos ter uma festa amanhã)- yes, we will have a party tomorrow - no, we'll not have a party tomorrow - will we have a party tomorrow? /// I will do this for you (eu irei fazer isso pra voce)- no, I will not do this for you - yes, I will do this for you - will I do this for you? // I will play with this toy (eu irei brincar com esse brinquedo)- yes, I will play with this toy - no, I will not play with this toy - will I play with this toy? // we will like it (nós iremos gostar disso) - yes, we will like it - no, we will not like it - will we like it? ///////////////////////////// I'm going to paris tomorrow ( eu estou indo para Paris amanhã) - no, I'm not going to paris tomorrow - Yes, I am going to Paris tomorrow - am I going to Paris tomorrow? // I am going to take the fault (eu irei levar a culpa) - yes, I'm going to take the fault - no, I'm not going to take the fault - am I going to take the fault? // I'm going to prove this (eu irei provar isso) - yes, I'm going to prove this - no, I'm not going to prove this - am I going to prove this? // we are going to do this (nós iremos fazer) - yes, we are going to do this - no, we are not going to do this, are we going to do this? // I'm going to the bed ( estou indo pra cama) - yes, I am going to the bed - no, I'm not going to the bed - am I going to the bed? //
Respondido por Little14CryBoy
Afirmativa (Will)
I will go to the beach tomorrow
I will need you sometime
I will have an orange juice, please!
He will do his homework next week

Negativa (Will)
I will not eat that food after the lunch
You will not go to that party
He will not win that trophie!
They will not buy these meatballs tomorrow

Interrogativa (Will)
Will you go to the party next year?
Will I know about you sometime?
Will they buy those potatoes after the lunch?
Will we have an orange juice after the breakfast?
Will you feel bad if I go with them?

Afirmativa (Going To)
I am going to my house
You are going to his house

Negativa (Going To)
I am not going to my house now

Interrogativa (Going To)
Are you going to that party?
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