Inglês, perguntado por RafaVentura2502, 10 meses atrás

Estou precisando de um diálogo em inglês para um grupo de 5 pessoas (no minimo 3 falas para cada) que use o Present Perfect.

Estamos em 3 meninas e 2 meninos.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por RayRodrigues33

David: Hey Emily, have you seen John recently?     Emily: Actually I havent, why?   David: We would go to the karaoke tonight, but I havent talked to him. Im worried  Emily: Dont worry David,  he might be okay. He have done this lately  Julia: Yeah, dont mind. You know how he is. He have been drinking all along the week   Hanna: Lets stay calm guys. He might have drink a lot again  Julia: Maybe, he always do that.  John: Hey guys, whats up?   David: Hey men, where have you been? We were worried  Emily: Have  you been drinking again?  Hanna: Seriously been, we have been worried all day long  John: Stay calm guys, im okay. Ive been drinking in excess, just it  Julia : Whatever,  I gotta go. I have been helping my mom with the chores.   Hanna: Im going to, do you come Em?   Emily: Sure, we have been busy to discuss about that history documentary, thats our chance  John: Thats alright. Me and David have been busy too. Lets go to the karaoke men  

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