Esse texto está correto?
People should only listen to music or watch movies that were made in their country.
I don't agree with this, we should
listen music and watch movies
from everywhere. It's important
to meet other cultures and also
It's a good way to learn.
We can't let the prejudice cut off
good musics and movies just for
being made in other country.
But we should be proud about
ours good music and movies too!
Soluções para a tarefa
sim está tudo correto, parabéns pela dedicação
People should only listen to music or watch movies that were made in their country.
I don't agree with this statement. We should listen music and watch movies from everywhere. It's important to meet other cultures and it's also a good way to learn them.
We can't let the prejudice cut off good music and movies just for being made in another country.
But we should be proud of our good music and movies, too!
our - adjetivo possessivo não tem plural
ours - pronome possessivo - não pode ter substantivo após
This is Helen's car and that blue one is ours. (está implícitio que é ''our car'')
Este é o carro da Helen e aquele (carro) azul é nosso.
These are his parents and those are ours.
Estes são os pais dele e aqueles são os nossos (pais).
music - é um substantivo incontável e, por isso, não pode ser usado no plural.
statement - afirmação
also - sempre no meio da frase (após verbo/sujeito)
to learn them - aprender sobre outras culturas
another country - em um outro país
prouf of - nesse caso, a preposição que funciona melhor é ''of''