Inglês, perguntado por miriannila001, 7 meses atrás

Esse tempo é usado para informar o que está acontecendo neste exato momento. Podemos encontrar os modos afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo, vejamos: CRY + ING (chorar – chorando) (+) She is crying (ela está chorando). (-) She is not crying (ela não está chorando). NOT sempre vai entre o verbo to be e o principal. (?) Is she crying? (ela está chorando?) Lets practice! 03 – Preencha corretamente os espaços em branco: a) She __________________________________________ in her room. (read) b) Tomorrow, I ___________________________________ in my office. (work) c) David ________________________________________ for the bus. (wait) d) In this afternoon, they ___________________________ their friends. (meet) e) Tomorrow you___________not _____________________ on the beach. (lie) f) Ross_____________not________________________ ready to go out. (get) g) Laura______________not________________________in the library. (sutdy) h) In the morning they_______________not______________________. (sleep) i)_______________you__________________________________at six? (eat) j)_______________Jack______________________________to Paris? (drive) k)______________they__________________________________again? (fight) l)_____________we___________________________to Miami tomorrow? (fly) m) The Summer ________________________________________. (approach) n) Brazil _____________________________________________ violent. (get) o) You ___________________________________________ too loud. (speak) Equivalente a 2ª semana de setembro 04 - Transforme as frases afirmativas em interrogativas e negativas: a) They are climbing the moutain. Eles estão escalando a montanha. Neg: _________________________________________________________ Inter.:_________________________________________________________ b) The babies are crying so much. Os bebês estão chorando demais. Neg: _________________________________________________________ Inter.:_________________________________________________________ c) Jessica is laughing about me. Jéssica está rindo de mim. Neg: _________________________________________________________ Inter.:_________________________________________________________ d) That girl is calling for you. Aquela guria está te chamando. Neg: _________________________________________________________ Inter.:_________________________________________________________ e) Those guys are working in the rain. Aqueles caras estão trabalhando na chuva. Neg: _________________________________________________________ Inter.:_________________________________________________________ f) Sarah is washing her clothes. Sara está lavando suas roupas. Neg: _________________________________________________________ Inter.:_________________________________________________________ g) The soldier is fighting for peace. O soldado está lutando por paz. Neg: _________________________________________________________ Inter.:_________________________________________________________ h) Monica is buying a magazine. Monica esta comprando uma revista. Neg: _________________________________________________________ Inter.:_________________________________________________________ i) We are playing soccer right now. Nós estamos jogando futebol agora. Neg: _________________________________________________________ Inter.:_________________________________________________________ Revisão – Future with WILL. 05 - Traduza as frases abaixo: a) What will I do? _________________________________________________ b) What’s the trouble? _____________________________________________ c) Can you help me? ______________________________________________ d) I will change for you! ____________________________________________ 06 – Transforme as frases afirmativas em negativas e interrogativas: a) John will pay the Bill. João vai pagar a conta. Neg: _________________________________________________________ Inter.:_________________________________________________________ b) She will be here next week. Ela vai estar aqui na próxima semana. Neg: _________________________________________________________ Inter.:_________________________________________________________ c) I will get up early. Eu vou acordar cedo. Neg: _________________________________________________________ Inter.:_________________________________________________________ d) Laura will rest tomorrow. Laura vai descansar amanhã. Neg: _________________________________________________________ Inter.:_________________________________________________________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CriaturaSobrenatural

3- a) reading

b) working

c) waiting

d) meeting

e) lying

f) getting

g) studying

h) sleeping

i) eating

j) driving

k) fighting

l) flying

m) approaching

n) getting

o) speaking

4- a) N: They aren't climbing...

I: Are they climbing...?

b) N: The babies aren't crying...

I: Are the babies...?

c) N: Jessica isn't laughing...

I: Is Jessica laughing...?

d) N: That girl isn't calling...

I: Is that girl...?

e) N: Those guys aren't working...

I: Are those guys...?

f) N: Sarah isn't washing...

I: Is Sarah washing...?

g) N: The soldier isn't fighting...

I: Is the soldier...?

h) N: Monica isn't buying...

I: Is Monica buying...?

i) N: We aren't playing...

I: Are we playing...?

5- a) O que vou fazer?

b) Qual é o problema?

c) Você pode me ajudar?

d) Eu vou mudar por você!

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